Annular eclipse 2023

It turned out that this year there was an annular solar eclipse passing directly over tbe Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.

A rented fancy camera (a Nikon Z8) on my nice tripod and some solar filters allowed some fun pictures of the eclipse

I also got some amazing photos of the balloons as well.

The trip also allowed Beth, Ash, and I to visit with Beth’s parents.

So much fun to take a vacation just for me

A couple weeks ago, I took a trip unlike any I’d gone on before.

I didn’t take Zia to see something scenic.  I didn’t take a trip to go see family.


I loaded myself into the Miata and drove 20 hours to the California coast for the MX-5 25th anniversary celebration.  While there, I got to listen to the folks that created the original car talk about what they were trying to accomplish, listen to the current head of Mazda design talk about the brand new car (that won’t be out until next year), see the new MX-5 drive on the road (the first time folks out of the media or Mazda itself got to see it moving under its own power), and I got to drive my car at speed on the famous Laguna Seca racetrack.


Afterward, I got to see the world renown Monterey Bay Aquarium and to drive across the Golden Gate Bridge.


The return trip saw me driving through California’s Sierra Nevada mountains and its beautiful forest.


It only took almost 40 years to take a trip that was 100% for me.  I think I’ll have to make time to do such a thing again and soon.

Just a few updates and why I’m not on FaceBook

Software updates and a new theme.

Just a heads up for those who might have noticed, I have disabled my Facebook account.  I hope nobody takes it personally, but it was just eating an inordinate amount of time to stay up-to-date and not really coming with much in the way of pay-off.  I’ll likely re-activate when I’m taking trips back to IL – but otherwise, y’all have fun with that and I’ll keep doing my own other things.

Zia is getting so big (3′ 7″ to be exact) and we are already planning her kindergarten in August (Colorado has a great program where you can enroll your child in any school you want, but you do have to apply and be accepted many months in advance).  This lets you put your child in the best school with the best location for your own situation.  She’s excited and I’m only slightly terrified.  🙂

My divorce was final just over 2 years ago.  It’s been somewhat of an adventure, but I honestly can say I’m happier than I’ve ever been.  Being busy does that and between being primary parent for Zia and working where I do…I’m certainly not in a situation that allows for much self-pity.

Well, as always, keep up on what I’m doing in the ‘Lifestream’ here at this site and feel free to send me a note.  Just don’t expect me on Facebook.  😉

What a way to recharge my batteries…

I just spent two days at the Rocky Mountain Driving Experience with the Rocky Mountain Automotive Press.

Mountain driving on day 1 and track time on day two is a great way to forget all the crap you have going on and put a smile back on your face.

Check out my lifestream (on the right side of the main page) to see photos from the event as well as my tweets under @theCaddyEdge for a glimpse into the fun time that was had.

Must Read

This post over at (Merlin Mann’s site) had me bawling my eyes out on multiple occasions. 

If you have now or have had a toddler, I challenge you to not tear up at this…

…Thing is, she screams “DAD-dy!” like the most impossibly great thing in the world has just happened. Every single morning. Right by my bed. Without a crank in sight.

And, you know what? Something impossibly great has happened.

Because an annoying, rambling, disagreeable little man like me gets to have this alarm clock in piggy-patterned footie jammies run up to a regular, crank-less, healthy-Dad, non-hospital bed and make him feel like he’s The Greatest Thing in the Universe.

Just like I think she’s The Greatest Thing in the Universe.